2002 Passenger ship liability and compensation treaty set to enter into force in 2014
The Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 2002, which substantially
raises the limits of liability for the death of, or personal injury to, a passenger on a ship, is set to enter into
force on 23 April 2014, after the required 10 ratifications were reached on 23 April 2013, with the ratification of
the 2002 Athens Protocol by Belgium.
《客船责任和赔偿条约 2002》将于2014年生效
雅典公约有关"海上旅客及其行李运输 2002"的规定,大大提高了针对船上乘客死亡或人身伤害的赔偿责任限额,该公约得到所需的10个国家的批准及比利时2002年雅典议定书的批准后,将于2014年4月23日生效,