Port of LA to test 'Uber'-like Cargomatic service
The Port of Los Angeles, the largest U.S. container cargo facility, announced testing of a load-matching service that is designed to speed container cargo shipments through the port.
Cargomatic markets its highway shipment approach as similar to Uber’s ride-sharing service. The port service, known as Cargomatic "Free Flow," is designed for participation by any cargo owner, motor carrier or owner-operator.
The new program is being offered at the West Basin Container Terminal, with participation by terminal operator Ports America.
Source:Longshore&Shipping News
Cargomatic将他们的高速的服务模式定位成与Uber的服务模式类同,都是希望最大限度地共享闲置资源。它的"Free Flow"服务欢迎所有的货主、拖车以及码头操作参与。
这个新项目已经在West Basin集装箱码头实行,码头操作公司美国码头也已经参与进来。包括如零售商威廉姆斯索诺玛这样的公司都会在被服务范围之内。
来源:Longshore&Shipping News